
At Cairn Ecology we can provide a range of specialist ecological consultancy services to support you and your project requirements. Whether you have been instructed of your requirement to undertake ecological survey, are concerned about the impact of your project on the environment and protected species, or would like guidance on how your project or design can enhance local biodiversity, Cairn Ecology has the experience and expertise to assist you.

For further information or to discuss your project specific requirements, you can contact us to set up a consultation and arrange a no-obligation quotation.


Field Surveys

Protected Species Surveys

Our team hold a range of specialism in UK protected species, and experience in designing and undertaking field surveys, and subsequent assessment and reporting. UK protected species include mammals (bats, badgers, otters, etc), amphibians and reptiles (newts, snakes, etc), and ornithology (birds). 

Bat Surveys

In addition to offering services in UK Protected Species as a whole, at Cairn Ecology we can proudly offer specialism in bat surveying. Our principal ecologist, Lorraine, is a licensed bat worker with a valid NatureScot Roost Visitor License which allows her to enter a known roost and handle bats. Our bat survey services include preliminary roost assessment, bat activity surveys, and hibernaculum surveys (you can refer to our survey calendar for the timing and suitability of these survey types).

Phase 1 habitat surveys

A Phase 1 Habitat can be considered the “first stop” survey of the wider habitat context of a site. Our ecologists will determine, map, and assess the plant species and habitat types present, to provide site specific guidance and identify the potential need for targeted surveys.

Badger Surveys

Similarly to our bat surveys, we can provide specialist, expert services and advice on badger activity. Our senior ecologist, Michael, specialises in badger activity and biodiversity, and is a Scottish Badger Level 1 Badger Worker. Badger survey types include activity and sett identification and assessment, camera monitoring, and mitigation guidance.


Ecological Assessments

Preliminary ecological assessment (PEA)

A PEA is an on-site assessment of all present and potential ecological features on a site, including habitat, invasive plant species, and protected species. Our team of ecologists are capable and experienced in PEA to conduct desk-based assessment, field survey and assessment, and reporting. Our PEA will assess the site’s potential, and advise on any further targeted survey requirments.

Habitat Regulation Appraisal

A Habitat Regulation Appraisal is an assessment used to determine beyond reasonable scientific doubt whether a proposed development could pose a negative impact upon a European Protected Site. Cairn Ecology Ltd has a range of experience assisting clients through the HRA Process, providing relevant data and analysis to Competent Authorities (CA's).

Ecological Impact Assessment (EIA)

An EIA is an assessment of the potential impacts an project or development on the biodiversity of a site. Our team are experienced in completing robust, evidence-based impact assessments to inform EIA chapters or planning applications. These assessments can be used to refine project designs or to inform the need for project mitigation.


A BREEAM assessment will evaluate your development’s plan and design against standardised performance measures including Energy, Land Use and Ecology. Cairn Ecology is experienced conducting BREEAM assessments across a range of large-scale infrastructure projects.


Licencing and Guidance

Mitigation and Licence Applications

If Protected Species are identified on your development site, mitigation and license to proceed with the works may be required. Cairn Ecology can assist through this process, providing recommendations and design of project specific mitigation, together with application for any required development licences, and the production of Project Specific Species Protection Plans. 

Ecological Clerk of Works

While your project is in construction phase, you may require an ecologist to be present on site. Our ecologists can attend works in progress to identify any risk to biodiversity, and oversee the application of required mitigation measures and controls. Our role in these works is to help ensure your development remains compliant with ecological and environmental legislations.


Biodiversity and Enhancement

Biodiversity Enhancement Plans

With the increased focus on the impact of development on biodiversity, and the release of the National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4), it is more necessary for biodiversity enhancement to be built into sustainable development plans. This falls in line with our values of best for people, planet and project, and at Cairn Ecology we hold existing experience in the production of Biodiversity Enhancement Plans for residential and infrastructure developments. Our team can provide guidance on how to incorporate sustainable, biodiversity-promoting features into your planning to build a sustainable, carbon-friendly future.


Continuous Professional Development

Parallel to our services in Biodiversity Enhancement Plans, Cairn Ecology can produce and deliver CPD workshops to our co-professionals in the industry who interact with our specialism. Our CPD workshops are tailored to you and your team’s development needs, and can cover everything from overarching ecological services and requirements, to biodiversity and development specific training. Our team have applied their substantial knowledge and experience to previous CPD workshops across the industry, and can talk through your requirements to best support your development needs.



Other Services

GIS mapping and analysis

In addition to the provision of field based services, our team at Cairn Ecology can offer extensive experience in GIS mapping and analysis. Our range in this includes, but is not limited to, the provision of site maps associated with activity and habitat surveys, and more extensive ecological analysis such as constraint mapping and pathway analysis.